Markus Engelberth

In his daily work as an Information Security Consultant at 8COM - Information Security Markus Engelberth also performs several forensic examinations and penetration tests. He graduated from RWTH Aachen. Currently he is writing his Ph.D. thesis at the University of Mannheim that deals with malware which successfull propagation depends on some sort of user interaction. In the beginning of 2009 he and some colleagues (Goebel, Gorecki, and Trinius) founded the security and forensics company pi-one.

Dr. Jan Gerrit Göbel

Jan Goebel graduated from RWTH Aachen University and received a Doctorate in Computer Science from Mannheim University. His research interests revolve around IT security, digital forensics, malware analysis (reverse engineering), and network attack detection using honeypots. In the beginning of 2009 he and some colleagues (Engelberth, Gorecki, and Trinius) founded the security and forensics company pi-one.

Christian Gorecki

Christian Gorecki is Senior Researcher within the cyber-security department at AGT Group (R&D), co-founder of pi-one, and PhD candidate at the University of Mannheim. His diploma in computer science with focus on it-security he received from the RWTH Aachen (Aachen University). Throughout his research career he has particularly been working on malware analysis, digital forensics, network security, and privacy. He has conducted various it-security workshops particularly in the areas mentioned above. Currently, focus of his research is on cyber physical systems, intrusion detection/prevention, risk assessment, and privacy.

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Holz

Thorsten Holz is professor at Ruhr-University Bochum. He graduated from RWTH Aachen and received a Doctorate in Computer Science from University of Mannheim. Currently, his work concentrates on bots/botnets, automated analysis of malicious software, and studying latest attack vectors.

Prof. Dr. Konrad Rieck

Konrad Rieck is a junior professor at the University of Göttingen, where he is heading a research group on computer security. He graduated from Freie Universität Berlin and received a Doctorate in Computer Science from Technische Universität Berlin. His dissertation received the CAST/GI award for computer security in 2010. Konrad Rieck's research interests revolve around computer security and machine learning, including the detection of network attacks, the analysis of malicious software and the discovery of vulnerabilities.

Dr. Philipp Trinius

Philipp Trinius is Security Expert at Deutsche Telekom and co-founder of pi-one. He graduated from RWTH Aachen and received a Doctorate in Computer Science from University of Mannheim. Focus of his research is automated analysis of malware and spam and the visualization of malware behavior. In his dissertation he introduced a novel filtering approch for malware and spam message, which is based on context-free grammar.

Carsten Willems

Carsten Willems (Dipl.-Inform.) is a Ph.D. student at the Ruhr-University Bochum, where he is doing research on software security and malware. After he gained his diploma in computer science at the University RWTH in Aachen, he founded his security company CWSE GmbH in 2007. This company has developed the malware analysis suite CWSandbox, which is nowadays used by many AV vendors, banks and governments.